Saturday, August 21, 2010

Emery Update!

This past Thursday, Mitch and I had our 4D ultrasound! I was so excited to finally get to see the little face that's been responsible for turning my belly into a playground for the past 7 months. Just like I expected, she is BEAUTIFUL! I know that to most people, all babies look the same in 4D ultrasounds, but you really can tell her little facial features! She already has the chubbiest cheeks and little button lips! Dr. Garrard gave us a great checkup and both mom and baby are as healthy as can be. I say all this like I'm feeling great but believe me, the pain is there! My biggest complaint is most definitely the pain in my ribs. Since little Emery is breech, her head is jammed up inside my ribcage and pushing everything else up with it. (Trust me, it feels as bad as it sounds) My ribs feel like they have expanded as far as they can possibly go and nothing helps ease this pain. The doctor said the only thing that could help would be an anti inflammatory- which I can't take!! Of course in the end it's all worth it. I'm hoping that when she flips and isn't breech any more, that will help. Lets just pray that little Emery's head finds her way to the exit soon. :)

I found this cute little questionnaire off of a friends blog so I thought I would do it for fun!

How far along are you? 27 Weeks and 5 days! Only 86 days to go!
Maternity clothes? Everyday! And most of them are starting to not fit anymore- when I get home from work, I wear Mitch's XL t-shirts!
Sleep? Getting to sleep is one problem due to my rib pain. I wake up numerous times every night on my back which scares me since you aren't supposed to sleep on your back, and of course I have to pee every hour it seems like- so no, not much sleep. But it has been much better ever since my mom bought me a Snoogle! (my awesome pregnancy pillow!)
Best Moment of the Week? Of course- seeing the sweetest face I've ever witnessed!
Food cravings? Anything and everything. I'm currently on a Momma Goldberg's kick.
Gender? Girl :)
Labor signs? I've been having some little Braxton Hicks contractions but nothing scary...yet.
Belly button? This is sad- Unfortunately I'm still an innie... and very unhappy about it. I wanted to know what it was like to have my belly button 'pop' but Dr. Garrard said that despite how shallow it is, it looks like its too deep to pop out. Fooey!
Stretch marks? Well I thought I was doing good..... until I came to work the other day and my boss happily pointed out to me several faint lines that she saw and continued to take me to her office and give me a TON of lotion to rub in. (For those of you who know my boss, I know you probably see the humor in that!)
What I miss the most? A lot of things, but I miss going out with my girlfriends the most. I never get to go out anymore because I REFUSE to be the pregnant girl at the bar, so I feel out of touch with everyone! But I'm blessed to have girlfriends that plan "pregnant proof" movie nights for me :)
What I'm looking forward to the most? Everything! Even waking up at 3AM to rock her back to sleep!

On a seperate note, I wanted to congratulate two very special people in mine and Mitch's lives- Kayla and Stephen! They just got engaged and I couldn't be happier for them! These are two people that have truly found love with eachother and I know that they will have a long and happy future together. (hopefuly filled with lots of BABIES for Emery to play with!! ) Kayla has alot of exciting things going on and just started a blog so we can read all about it!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. You are too funny. Congrats on the precious little girl. I sympathize with the pains from her little head poking into your ribs and everywhere else. I am ready for this kid to turn upside down and to drop asap. I cant breath and I get up every hour at night as well :( If it makes you feel better my belly button just popped like a couple weeks ago and I only have 3 wks and 3 days left! Good luck!!
