Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunshine and stuff

This past weekend, Mitch and I went to the beach with two of our very good friends, Kayla and Stephen. Being almost 7 months pregnant, I was a little nervous about how this would play out. I'm a typical 23 year old and it was a little hard adjusting to not being able to do the things that typical 23 year olds do at the beach. You know, the things like going out at night, laying in the sun on the beach for hours all day, or ordering a drink with dinner. Don't get me wrong- I love being pregnant and everything that comes with it, (well, almost everything!) but I did kind of miss being a carefree 23 year old on vacation. Despite all this, I was extremely lucky to be on vacation with 3 of the most helpful people I could have been with. Mitch, Stephen and Kayla took care of everything! They even had a little "pregnant-safe" area set up on the beach because I was so worried about over-heating (since the condo was a good little hike away.... maybe not for you readers, but it was for me and Emery on a hot August afternoon). It was complete with an umbrella, foot rest, cooler full of water and snacks, water spray bottle, and a frozen rag! And just in case you weren't sure- YES, you can get sunburnt under the shade of an umbrella. I must admit at first I was a little weary about taking the trip due to my handicaps, but I'm so glad we went! Mitch and I had the best time and got to enjoy great food, beautiful weather, and awesome friends. See Christen- you can go on vacation pregnant and have a great time! :)

After we returned from our seaside getaway, Mitch's mom and dad came over with chicken and dumplings, hot wings, fried chicken, and squash- I love them! And they brought the disk of our wedding pictures! We finally got to see them after a month of waiting and they turned out BEAUTIFUL! Our photographer, Heath Stone, did an amazing job! He attends our church and I'm so thankful that he was there to make our wedding day so memorable! Check out his website

Unfortunately, I'm incredibly lazy these days and didn't take a single picture at the beach! But I promise to post some wedding pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. I loved this one about the beach trip! We have to take another one with Emery!
